The Man on the Edge of Forever
Harlan Ellison passed a few days ago. I never met him but as a being with a pulse and a penchant for science fiction, his work left an indelible mark on me. The first Dangerous Visions (edited or curated by Ellison) was practically required reading even though it was nearly 25 years old by the time I got my grubby hands on it. Interestingly enough, his death followed that of Michael Fleisher's by nearly four months. Ellison and Fleisher (noted Bronze Age comics writer of The Spectre and Jonah Hex) were once embroiled in a lawsuit involving some choice words Ellison had for Fleisher which began as half-praise. It's always a bummer to watch two talented people spend energy on a disagreement. To my knowledge I don't think the tension between the two ever resolved. But that was Harlan Ellison for ya. Maybe he stuck around just long enough to make sure he got the last word in. He was brash and belligerent and I am sure many, many other things that start with "b". I think the next book in my queue will probably be something with his name on it. Probably Dangerous Visions again as I haven't read it since high school.
Currently reading: Normal by Warren Ellis (I've been on a bit of a kick)