Bits & Bobs

Man oh man.

Lots of neat stuff is happening around the house.

DW and I have begun landscaping our backyard and while the project is tedious at times, it is finally starting to take shape. We sold our garden property last month so we could laser focus out time outside in a more meaningful way. This weekend we will be laying more pavers and laying down weed fabric. The next phase involves picking out and then planting flowers, fruit, and vegetables. After that comes the mulch, the stone, and finally grass seed. I love this phase of the project.

Aleister, our 3D printer, currently humming along behind me as I type this, is furiously fabricating a case for the raspberry pi 3 that will physically attach to the printer. Last weekend I finally got around to installing Octoprint and ever since then, I have been tweaking settings and having a blast. I just installed Octolapse so I am hoping to post some tiny, low-res snippets of some prints.

The boys are in the home stretch school-wise. Summer is just around the corner. I can’t wait. Despite my allergies doing a number on me the past few days, I am brimming with optimism, or whatever passes for it in my shadowy cranium.

Currently Reading:

The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography by Simon Singh

Laundry Leopard.jpg